Joliet Paternity Attorney

Family Law Lawyers in Plainfield and Joliet
When the parents of a child are unmarried, establishing paternity is a vital legal step to ensure the child receives the financial support he/she is entitled to and father's rights are protected. In Illinois law paternity is called parentage. At the Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C., we work with both mothers and fathers in a paternity claim, and we have the experience to represent you effectively.
Establishing Parentage in Illinois
In Illinois, there are two ways to establish parentage. The first way is through a voluntary acknowledgement. If the mother and presumed father of the child both sign a "Voluntary Acknowledgement of Parentage" form, that is sufficient to establish paternity. The second way is through DNA testing. The potential father can either submit willingly to a DNA test or may be compelled to do so by a court order. If a father files a paternity case, a court order may also be issued to compel DNA testing of the child.
After paternity is established, a number of additional issues must be resolved including child custody & visitation and child support. Child support guidelines are primarily dictated by statute in Illinois. Child custody & visitation matters are influenced by a number of factors. Our attorneys are skilled in handling these types of issues and help clients negotiate a parenting agreement that is in their best interests and the best interests of their child. In the interest of maintaining an amicable parenting relationship, we seek to resolve these family law matters with as little contentiousness as possible
If you are a mother who would like to establish the paternity of your child or are a father involved in a paternity dispute, contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your case. Our firm works with clients Joliet and Plainfield, throughout Will County, Grundy County, Kendall County, and beyond.