Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.

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Plainfield Office


5 Common Signs of Domestic Violence

 Posted on January 11, 2018 in Family Law

Will County domestic violence family law attorneySadly, people are sometimes unaware that they are a victim of domestic violence, because the signs of abuse are often overlooked, excused, or denied. In addition, many people believe that domestic violence is limited to physical abuse, when in reality, it can include emotional, financial, and sexual abuse. You should contact a family law attorney to learn about your rights and options if you notice any of these five signs of domestic violence in your relationship:

  1. Your partner controls your finances. If your partner has to approve your spending or tell you how much you are allowed to spend on groceries, bills, and miscellaneous expenses, you may be a victim of domestic abuse. This is especially true if you are also contributing to your joint income and have no say in how your money is being spent.
  1. Your partner tries to cover up acts of violence. If your partner abuses you in any way, they may try to “make up” for the abuse by buying you items such as flowers or jewelry. You should know that materialistic items can never forgive abuse and cannot cover up an abuser's actions.
  1. Your partner wants you by their side at all times. It is important for your partner to understand that you have your own life and allow you to do whatever it is that makes you happy. If you find that your partner makes you feel guilty for wanting to spend time with your friends and family members or participate in hobbies, they may be trying to isolate you and attempting to gain control of your life.
  1. Your personality has changed. If you used to be bubbly, happy, and outgoing and are now shy or tend to steer away from people or activities that you used to enjoy, you may be doing so because you are scared of your partner and their abusive behaviors.
  1. You have become afraid of conflict. If your home life is full of conflict that makes you feel tense and scared, you may have begun to be afraid of arguments or disagreements in other areas of your life. When this happens, you may give into what others want rather than standing up for yourself or asserting your own desires or needs.

Contact Our Will County Domestic Violence Attorneys

Domestic violence can leave you with physical and mental pain that you do not deserve. If you have noticed any signs of domestic abuse in your life, it is in your best interests to speak to the compassionate attorneys of Tedone & Morton, P.C. We can help you understand your rights and work with you to reach a resolution to your situation. Contact our experienced Will County domestic violence attorneys at 815-666-1285 to schedule a consultation.


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