Current Political Events Lead to a Spike in Divorce Rates
People say you should never talk about politics in a social setting, but what about in your marriage? Perhaps, even then, it is best to keep your opinion to yourself – at least until the current political storm has passed. In fact, news sources are now saying that the Trump presidency is causing an increase in divorce throughout the United States.
In a poll conducted by Wakefield Research, 22 percent of the 1,000 respondents said that they know of at least one couple's relationship that was affected by the election of President Donald Trump. 24 percent of all participants in a relationship or marriage said that they now argue about politics more than ever.
Divorce and Politics – A Relatively New Issue?
To say that married couples have always agreed on their individual political views would be incorrect; disagreements about politics, even in marriage, are quite typical. However, it has only been recently that these ordinary agreements have become volatile – since the inauguration of our current president. Couples are genuinely shocked, appalled, angered, and confused about their spouse's political views right now. They are discussing matters that are core issues, which often coincide with one political party or the other. In short, couples are finding that this presidency, this political atmosphere, is different.
Presidency and Politics May Be Catalysts
Although it is possible that couples really are divorcing over their political views, it is highly unlikely that this is the only factor. Odds are, the couple may have had troubles that did not surface until the recent political shift. For example, the couple may have always had communication issues, but now that they disagree so strongly about basic life principles, they are unable to resolve the matter. Instead, they fight and argue and may even begin to resent one another. So, while politics may have served as the catalyst for their divorce, it is possible that the divorce may have occurred eventually, regardless of any external or political events.
Is Divorce Appropriate for You?
Only you can truly decide if divorce is the appropriate path for your marriage. However, if you have noticed that contention, violence, lack of intimacy, and other issues have increased since the presidential election, it may be time to consider your options. For example, you might attempt marital counseling before moving forward with a divorce, or if you were already thinking about divorce before the presidency, you might wish to start the process.
Regardless of your choice, the Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C. can help. Dedicated and experienced, our seasoned attorneys understand the many challenges of divorce, and we will fight to protect your rights and interests. Get started by calling 815-666-1285 and scheduling a personalized consultation with our Joliet divorce lawyers today.