Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.

Joliet Office


Plainfield Office


How to Schedule a Secretary of State Hearing for License Reinstatement

 Posted on September 08, 2020 in Traffic Violations

Plainfield, IL driver's license reinstatement attorney

If your Illinois driver’s license was suspended or revoked, you will have to attend some form of Secretary of State hearing to have it reinstated. How you prepare for that hearing and whether it will be formal or informal depends on the reason you lost your license, all of which we will explain below. If you are worried about the reinstatement process, do not panic: With the help of an attorney skilled in Secretary of State representation, you can move through the hearing process smoothly.

Formal and Informal Driver’s License Reinstatement Hearings

To reinstate your license, you will need to schedule a Secretary of State hearing. There are two types of reinstatement hearings: formal and informal. You will need a formal hearing if your license was suspended or revoked because of a traffic offense involving a fatality or multiple DUIs on your record. If your revocation did not involve a fatality, if you do not have sanctions related to lesser moving violations on your record, and if you do not have any DUIs, you can schedule an informal hearing.

To request a formal hearing, you must first submit a Formal Hearing Request form with a non-refundable $50 fee. You can be represented by your attorney and will need to answer between 80 and 100 questions before receiving a verdict. If you fail to appear for your scheduled court date, you will have to wait at least 90 days before scheduling another hearing. However, if you cancel a hearing at least five days in advance, you will not be issued a waiting period.

Informal hearings are much more lenient. They are held on a walk-in basis. Depending on the outcome, you may be issued either a restricted driving permit or full driving privileges.

Contact a Joliet, IL Driver’s License Reinstatement Attorney

Losing your primary means of transportation when your license is suspended or revoked is stressful and painful, but if you approach your reinstatement hearing calmly and are thoroughly prepared, you can hopefully be back on the road in no time. To make the reinstatement process proceed smoothly, seek the guidance of a Will County Secretary of State representation lawyer. At The Law Offices of Tedone & Morton, P.C., we strive to provide exceptional representation for our clients in all manner of Illinois law. To schedule a free consultation, call either our Joliet office at 815-666-1285 or our Plainfield office today at 815-733-5350.



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