Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.

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Kids of Divorce May Be Less Stressed When Parents Have Near Equal Parenting Time

 Posted on September 12, 2017 in Child Custody

Illinois parenting time attorneysDespite all the changes to divorce and structural changes to the American family, statistics indicate that mothers still tend to receive more parenting time with their children when the courts get involved. Unfortunately, studies suggest this could negatively affect children. In fact, one recent study found that children often fare better when their parents have near equal parenting time allotments. Learn more about how you can protect your child's best interests in a divorce case, and how an experienced divorce lawyer can help.

A Closer Look at the Study

Published in the Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, the recent study examined the stress level of 800 children from Sweden who had either one parent in their life or both. The results of the two groups were then compared. Overall, researchers determined that children experienced several bouts of stress throughout the week when they were deprived of one parent. In contrast, the children who had time with both parents reported less stress than their peers.

Why Obtaining Equal Parenting Time is Difficult

Although the courts do know that fathers are just as important as mothers in the lives of children, there are fears and concerns that split parenting time could lead to an unstable living environment. The child, who must go from one parent's house to the other, might even struggle with school and social settings, experts say. However, the authors of the recent study say that most of these fears and concerns are theoretical, not based on actual research. As such, courts should start reconsidering how they allocate parental responsibilities and award parenting time in divorce and family law cases.

Protecting the Best Interests of Your Child in Divorce

Because the courts still tend to favor mothers when divorces are litigated, parents are encouraged to negotiate a parenting time agreement that works in the best interests of their child(ren). Sadly, this can be quite difficult in contentious cases, but even amicable divorces can have their challenges. Get the assistance and protection that you and your child deserve; seek help from an experienced family law attorney during your Illinois divorce.

Contact Our Joliet Family Law Attorneys

Backed by more than 60 years of experience, the Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C. is the firm to remember for your divorce. Our Joliet family law attorneys will aggressively protect the best interests of your child and your parental rights. Start by scheduling a personalized consultation. Call our offices at 815-666-1285 today.


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