Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.

Joliet Office


Plainfield Office


Seven Common Reasons for a Post-Divorce Modification

 Posted on April 18, 2022 in Divorce

joliet divorce lawyerAs children get older, jobs are found and lost, and living situations change, the original agreements that you reached after your divorce may need to be changed too. The settlement that you and your spouse agreed to can be legally amended through mediation, negotiation, or litigation. Based on the reasons for the change, there may be changes to payments for child support or spousal support, or changes to child custody and visitation arrangements. We can work with you to determine whether pursuing a modification is the appropriate action and how best to pursue the action. 

Common Reasons for Post-Decree Modification

Here are seven common reasons why modifications are needed after a divorce:

  • Changing financial situation due to a new job, loss of job, or other factors - This can be triggered by a change in one or both spouses' financial situations. Based on the initial agreement, payments of child support or spousal support can be increased or decreased. For example, if the parent making payments receives a higher paying job, the parent receiving the payments may seek more in support. However, the loss of a job may result in the parent making payments to request that they are responsible for lower payments. 

  • Relocation of one parent - This change may lead to new child custody and visitation arrangements and could be related to a changing financial situation as well.

  • Education needs of the child changed - This can include the need for new tutoring or special education services. 

  • Medical needs of the child changed - If a new or worsening medical condition impacts a child, it can lead to a modification that takes the financial needs and living arrangements into account.

  • Remarriage of one former spouse - With the remarriage of a spouse, their new financial situation and living situation would be taken into consideration during a modification process.

  • Changing parental preference of the child - As children mature, they may have different relationships with each parent. They may want to spend more time with both, or may have grown close to one and want to spend more time with them.

  • Allegations of neglect or abuse - In this serious situation, all prior arrangements may be up for modification. 

Contact a Will County Modification Lawyer 

If you or your spouse is seeking a post-divorce modification to spousal support payments, child support payments, or child custody and visitation, the Joliet Family Law Attorneys at Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C. can help. We have experience dealing with changing post-divorce situations and can fight for you to meet your goals under a new agreement. Call 815-666-1285 for a free initial consultation today. 





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