Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.

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Plainfield Office


What Are the Amendments to Illinois Traffic Laws For the New Decade?

 Posted on January 08, 2020 in Traffic Violations

Will County traffic violation defense attorney

Ringing in the new year meant saying “hello” to a brand-new decade, as well as several new laws and amendments to current laws. In total, Illinois welcomed over 250 new laws and tax adjustments starting January 1, 2020. Roadway safety was not immune to the new legislation, and some changes have been made in an effort to reduce the number of accidents and injuries in the state. Illinois increased the penalties for several traffic violations and made a few existing laws more specific to cover different types of traffic-related crimes.

Higher Fines for Breaking Traffic Laws

According to Illinois State Police, a total of 27 squad cars were hit by other vehicles during traffic stops in 2019. In two of these 27 collisions, two troopers were killed. This is why Illinois has increased the penalty for violators of Scott’s Law. This rule states that drivers must move over and give enough room to police vehicles that are stopped on the side of the road with their blue and red emergency lights flashing. The law also applies to other emergency vehicles, and if drivers cannot give at least one lane of room to a vehicle on the side of the road, they should slow down, provide as much space as possible, and proceed with caution.

The penalties for violating Scott’s Law have doubled:

  • First offenders are fined $250 (up from $100).

  • Subsequent offenders are fined a minimum of $750.

Another law that saw its penalties doubled as of January 1 involves a driver passing a school bus when it is picking up students from a bus stop. If the bus has its stop sign extended and its red lights flashing, drivers are required to stop. Not doing so can put the young students in danger of getting hit by a car and suffering serious injuries or being killed.

School buses are equipped with cameras to capture moments when drivers illegally pass a stopped bus. That way, the offenders can pay for their mistakes:

  • First offenders are fined $300 (up from $150).

  • Subsequent offenders are fined $1,000 (up from $500).

Illinois is also cracking down on construction zone violations. Drivers will see increased penalties for not slowing to the posted construction zone speed limit as well as for not obeying traffic-control devices in these areas:

  • Speeding violation fines have increased from $10,000 to $25,000.

  • Not obeying traffic-control devices comes with fines ranging from $100 to $1,000.

Minor Adjustments

The Illinois law against using cell phones while driving has been made more specific to include streaming YouTube videos while behind the wheel. This includes both watching and making videos. In addition, drivers are no longer permitted to operate a car with “smoked” or “tinted” headlights. The only legal headlight colors are now white or yellow.

Contact a Joliet, IL Criminal Defense Lawyer

It is important to know about all of the changes to existing Illinois laws in order to stay out of trouble. Although these amendments may seem minor, violations can lead to serious consequences, including hefty fines or even criminal charges in some cases. If you believe you have not violated the law but are still fighting traffic violation charges, the lawyers of Tedone & Morton, P.C. can help clear your record and keep your driving privileges intact. To schedule a free consultation with one of our tenacious Will County traffic violations attorneys, call our office today at 815-666-1285.




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