Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.

Joliet Office


Plainfield Office


What Are the Illinois Laws Against Using Bladed or Other Weapons?

 Posted on October 15, 2019 in Gun Crimes

Plainfield, IL weapons crime defense attorney

It may be obvious that there are certain requirements a person must meet in order to own a firearm in Illinois, but a lot of people may not be aware that Illinois does not allow possession of certain bladed weapons. The state has a law prohibiting people from possessing, selling, and manufacturing a variety of weapons other than firearms. Depending on the circumstances, violators of this law could face felony weapons charges.

What Weapons Are Prohibited?

Illinois law states it is illegal for anyone to purchase, sell, and possess a very specific list of weapons including:

  • Bludgeons

  • Black-jacks

  • Slung-shots

  • Sand-clubs

  • Sand-bags

  • Metal knuckles

  • Throwing stars

  • Any types of knives

  • Razors

  • Stilettos

  • Broken bottles

  • Stun guns

  • Tasers

These weapons cannot be carried in a vehicle or concealed anywhere on a person’s body unless that person is in his or her own home or has permission from a homeowner to be present in his or her dwelling place with the weapons. Firearms have the same rules, but guns cannot be possessed or concealed without a permit, and a person must have a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) card.

What Are the Penalties for Illegal Weapons Use?

Anyone caught illegally carrying and/or using a non-firearm weapon will face a Class A misdemeanor penalty. If the illegal weapon is a firearm, the charges increase to Class 4 felony punishments. Further penalties may apply based on the circumstances of the offense and the location of the incident, including:

  • A Class 3 felony applies to those who use a silencer on a firearm or to someone who manufactures or sells a rifle with one or more barrels less than 18 inches long.

  • A Class 2 felony applies to those who manufacture, sell, or purchase an automatic machine gun. Punishments include a prison term of three to seven years. A Class X felony will apply if this type of gun is carried while loaded in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle or on the person’s body.

  • Subsequent offenders of most weapons crimes will be further charged with a Class 3 felony. Each separate weapon found in a person’s possession will result in individual charges.

Punishments are elevated when the violator is caught in possession of their illegal weapon on the grounds of a school (regardless of school hours), in a public park, or in a courthouse. Even if the weapon is not a firearm, the offender can still face Class 4 felony punishments.

The only persons exempt from these laws are police officers who must carry their weapons while on duty.

Contact a Joliet, IL Criminal Defense Attorney

Carrying a concealed weapon in public places can pose a danger to everyone, including the carrier. If you or someone you know have been accused of firearm or non-firearm weapons possession charges, you need a strong defense to clear your name. The lawyers from Tedone & Morton have experience defending against felony charges of illegal weapons usage. To schedule a free consultation with a Will County weapons charges defense lawyer, call our office today at 815-666-1285.




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