Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.

Joliet Office


Plainfield Office


What Are the Laws for Carrying a Firearm in Illinois?

 Posted on February 20, 2020 in Gun Crimes

Plainfield, IL gun charges defense attorney

Gun control is a hot topic these days, and gun laws throughout the country differ from state to state. It takes a long time to become eligible for a concealed carry license in Illinois. The state processes each applicant thoroughly to make sure weapons do not end up in the hands of dangerous people. Once they have their firearms license, some people think that they are free to carry a gun wherever they like, but this is not the case. It is important for Illinois gun owners to know there are certain places that are off-limits to guns, and most of them are clearly marked, so gun owners know to leave their firearm in their car or at home. In addition, punishments for weapons violations vary depending on the number of offenses against a person’s record.

Where Can I Purchase a Concealed Carry Firearm?

Illinois law allows citizens to purchase firearms from a licensed dealer or a private seller. Several steps must be taken when someone chooses to buy from a Federal Firearms Licensed Gun Dealership, such as the following:

  • Customers must present a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) card.

  • Customers must verify local gun ordinances.

  • Customers must pass a background check from the Illinois State Police.

  • Customers must abide by the waiting period required by Illinois gun laws.

  • After purchase, the gun must be unloaded and secured for transport.

Private sellers also have rules that they must obey any time they sell a firearm. The biggest difference between a federal dealer and a private dealer is that if an unlicensed customer requests the purchase of a firearm, the private seller must obtain approval from the Department of State Police before selling the gun.

What Places Are Off-Limits to Carry Concealed Firearms?

There are many places in which people can carry a firearm, including restaurants that serve alcohol, national parks, in a vehicle, and in a place of worship, unless an establishment is marked with a “no firearms” sign. However, Illinois does not allow guns in the following locations:

  • On public transportation

  • Roadside rest areas

  • In or near schools, including school parking lots

  • Public playgrounds or parks

  • Government buildings

  • Cook County forest preserves

  • Private property

A first-time violation of carrying a weapon within a restricted area is punished as a Class B misdemeanor, while second and subsequent violations are elevated to Class A misdemeanors. Illinois State Police may suspend a gun license after two firearms offenses and permanently revoke a license for more than three weapons violations.

Contact a Joliet, IL Weapons Defense Lawyer

Part of the responsibility of owning a gun is knowing the laws pertaining to weapons. However, mistakes can happen, and a gun owner can be punished for an offense he or she did not intentionally commit. The skilled legal team at the Law Offices of Tedone & Morton, P.C. has experience defending against many different types of weapons charges. Our knowledgeable Will County criminal defense lawyers can make sure you do not lose your concealed carry license because of an oversight. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 815-666-1285.




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